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Keith Perry’s Bill on Left Lane

Hogar / Keith Perry’s Bill on Left Lane

febrero 21, 2024
Keith Perry’s Bill on Left Lane

The push to make the left lane on major Florida Highways a passing lane only cruising into the fast lane this year.

The bill just cleared the full House Thursday and now needs to be passed by the Florida Senate. Seemingly everyone has an opinion on highway drivers who cruise in the left lane and refuse to move over. One of the drivers from Jacksonville – Win Thomas feels that it’s kind of a selfish decision. Another Tennessee resident Loraine Monroe said – “I can’t stand them,” when she stopped by the Jacksonville rest stop on her way back North.

After spluttering out last year, the push to prohibit left lane cruising is back with a full tank of gas. As per the bill sponsor state Senator Keith Perry, she said that it isn’t a fast lane but it’s moving along.

The bill passed by Perry would make Florida the 9th state in need of left lanes on major roads with defined speed limits of 65 miles an hour or higher. This should be maintained in passing lanes only. As per the recent state in Florida, it is possible to cruise in the left lane but you have to move over in order to allow faster traffic pass.

Perry said that is a very common situation but it hardly happens and the results can be fatal. She added, “last year we had 247 instances where people either incapacitated or deaths that happened from improper passing on the righthand side on someone’s blindside.”

Also, there were more than 17,000 accidents caused due to improper passing during the very same span of five year.

As per the newly introduced Perry’s bill, left lane cruisers can now be slapped with a minimum of $60 ticket and max penalties can even reach $158. In contrast to Graham Godfrey’s native country – England, people may drive on the left side of the road, but they know well how to stay safe on the left lane. The left lane is specifically used for passing lane.

Graham Godfrey, during his vacation, experienced some culture shock when driving the left lane on Florida roads. He then told – if Perry’s bill passes, he will surely make another visit to his current home Delaware. Godfrey said “Yeah, I’ll be more inclined to come back I think.”

As per Senator Perry, she expects that the bill will reach the Governor’s desk by the end of next week. If signed into law, the change would take effect on July 1, 2025, to give drivers time to learn about and adjust to the new rules of the road.

For more information, kindly refer to the link shared here – https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/i-cant-stand-them-bill-banning-left-lane-cruising-florida-racing-towards-finish-line/V6GOUVMRT5FVTAJXUHKG7NGDXA


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